
R. Kazakhstan, Semey
working hours:
from 10 am to 5 pm WhatsApp
705 449-2005

Our wallets

Rules for the operation of the WM-semsk service

Here is the agreement on the operation of (hereinafter referred to as the SERVICE) with the USER, collectively referred to as the PARTIES. Before using the SERVICE, The USER undertakes to read and accept this agreement. Using the services of the SERVICE means your full acceptance of the above agreement. SERVICE provides services on the following terms:
PARTIES recognize documents in electronic form, drawn up with the help (means) of the WebMoney Transfer system, as legally equivalent to the corresponding documents in simple written form.
SERVICE is not responsible if the USER violates the agreement between the USER and electronic payment systems supported by the SERVICE.
SERVICE does not collect statistical information about the USERs operations for internal use, and does not transfer it to third parties. An exception to this clause of the agreement is the requirement of authorized state bodies to provide information about the USER, and only on legal grounds.
Transactions with electronic payment systems supported by the SERVICE are irreversible, in accordance with the terms and conditions of electronic payment systems used by the SERVICE.
Any operation between the USER and the SERVICE from the moment of its completion is irreversible.
SERVICE is responsible only for the funds transferred by the USER for exchange or transfer and is not responsible for the loss of funds due to a malfunction of the electronic payment system (s) or third-party reasons.
If a dispute arises between the USER and the SERVICE, the amount of maximum compensation from the SERVICE cannot exceed the amount transferred by the USER for exchange or transfer, the USER, in case of his fault, guarantees independent compensation for losses and damage caused to the SERVICE. All disputes between the USER and the SERVICE are resolved through negotiations.
Tariffs for services are set by the SERVICE and may change at any time.
All information on the SERVICE website is protected by copyright and related rights. The use of any information from the SERVICE website must be agreed with the administration.
SERVICE is not responsible for the improper performance of its obligations to the USER, caused by force majeure circumstances, resulting in the objective impossibility of fulfilling obligations.
This agreement is subject to change at any time without notice to the user.

Сроки обмена

The SERVICE accepts applications for depositing and withdrawing WebMoney at any time.
SERVICE processes and makes payments on applications during business hours and banking days.
SERVICE reserves are changed manually during business hours.
When using the SERVICE for the first time to withdraw funds, there may be delays in payment to the USER. This is due to additional verification payment to prevent fraud and withdrawal of funds obtained illegally from the system. Subsequent exchanges will occur without delay.
When depositing (replenishing) or withdrawing webmoney, with insufficient reserves for payment, exchange applications are processed by the SERVICE in the order of priority, and fast processing of the application is not guaranteed. Also, at any time, the USER has the opportunity to choose and receive an instant payment in another WebMoney currency, with a sufficient reserve.
The USER must contact the administration of the SERVICE to clarify the terms of payment on the application, if the amount is more than in the reserve.
SERVICE reserves the right to recalculate the amount to be paid according to fresh data on exchange rates at the time of receipt of funds.

Согласие на обработку персональных данных

Before making an exchange, the USER must obtain a minimum Formal WebMoney system certificate. A formal passport is issued free of charge to a WebMoney Transfer system participant at certification center website after they have entered their passport data.
The USER confirms his consent to receive, store and process his personal data (including full name, passport details, payment details, contact details - mobile, home and work phone numbers, e-mail, ICQ, Skype and other IM) for the purpose of exchanging the SERVICE.


The offered goods and services are not provided by order of a person or enterprise operating the WebMoney Transfer system. We are an independent service provider and make our own decisions about prices and offers. Enterprises operating the WebMoney Transfer system do not receive commissions or other rewards for participating in the provision of services and do not bear any responsibility for our activities.
The attestation made by WebMoney Transfer only confirms our contact details and certifies our identity. It is carried out at our request and does not mean that we are in any way connected with the sales of WebMoney system operators.